Happy Vermont Chicory Week 2024!
Help to celebrate the 4th year of Vermont Chicory Week and melé the world a deliciously bitter place!
For the past 3 years the amazing farmers and community of Vermont Chicory Week have spearheaded the efforts and gotten us all to love the bitter greens so much, and this year they have passed the torch to Slow Food Vermont!
This year, Slow Food Vermont is putting out the call to everyone to share your love of chicories in all the ways! Let’s fill our feeds with the beautiful chicories in your gardens, farm stands, fields and plates!
How to participate:
* Support farmers by buying chicories at market
* Try a new recipe with chicories
* Take pictures of chicories and post! #vermontchicoryweek2024
* Pickup a bingo card Tuesday 10/22 between 3-6:30pm at the @onefarmersmarket and win bragging rights for experiencing chicories the mostest!